BLAC Submissions

Submissions to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding Bill 100

May 7, 2019

BLAC was born out of the needs of the Black community, specifically as it relates to the disproportionate and troubling ways in which Black people are mistreated, scrutinized and brutalized by legal institutions and systems of power. The experiences of Black Canadians today are rooted in our country’s history of colonialism, slavery and segregation. BLAC hopes that it can meaningfully contribute to, and build upon, the work that so many fearless and diligent members of our community and others have done and are continuing to do.

This committee’s mandate is to “consider and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the fiscal and economic policies of the Province”. BLAC is asking you to consider this submission within the context of this broad mandate. Accordingly, BLAC’s submissions will address not only particular issues within Bill 100, but also the Provincial Government’s recent cuts and austerity measures across Ontario. We hope that our submissions, which set out the impact of these cuts and legislative changes on our community, will inform your reporting and recommendations to the House.

Click here to view BLAC’s full submission