Modern day slavery can be found in many different countries and is marked in several ways. Canada is no exception, with Human Trafficking being recognized by the United Nations as a form of modern-day slavery. Human trafficking is of significant concern to BLAC as 67% of reported trafficking takes place in Ontario.[1]
Debt bondage or bonded labour is another form of modern-day slavery that has been specifically labelled as being a potential problem here in Canada. Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs), due to their precarious status within Canada and limited pathways to citizenship, are particularly at risk for modern enslavement.[2]
TFWs have been a significant topic of conversation recently, as it has been discovered that there has been a massive increase in the number of TFWs in Canada. Currently, TFWs primarily work in agriculture, and food services as low-wage workers.[3] Despite businesses saying they need TFWs, there is no incentive to treat these workers well or pay them livable wages, as their stay in Canada is typically tied to their employment with that business. With all the power in the hands of the companies and less than 10% of audits on the conditions of foreign workers happening unannounced[4], the business owners hold all the power.
When we empower TFWs to get what they need, like proper wages, pathways to citizenship, and decent healthcare, we create a better situation for all Canadians. While the situation for TFWs is not modern slavery, if we do not address the lack of protection for their rights, it can lead to that. Especially when there are people who have come to work in Canada for years, and still don’t have a viable pathway to citizenship it is important that we are not taking advantage of these people. The best way to prevent modern slavery is to ensure that the rights and needs of TFWs are protected and we listen and support them in their fight for justice.
[1] Stats Canada statistics reviewed
[2] Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, Tomoya Obokata*, pg 6 – paragraph 27 , Bullet point 2 in What is human trafficking paragraph
[4] Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, Tomoya Obokata*, pg 8 – paragraph 35