Carding Class Action

Overview Acting on behalf of Ayaan Farah, the Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) and McCarthy Tétrault LLP have commenced a class action against the Toronto Police Service for the practice of “Carding”, which has disproportionately been used to harass and intimidate...

Neptune Four

In November 2011, members of the Toronto Police Service assaulted, pulled a gun on, arrested, and charged four Black teens as they left their homes in Toronto Community Housing and headed to a neighbourhood mentorship program. The youth filed complaints. In 2021, two...

Frank Dorsey et al. v. Attorney General of Canada

There is a crisis of mass incarceration and anti-Black racism in the criminal justice system. One of the forms this takes is that Black prisoners serve longer sentences at higher levels of security without access to critical rehabilitative programming. The Appellants,...

Abdurahman Hassan

On June 11, 2015, Abdurahman Hassan, a 39-year-old Somali man living with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, died after police officers restrained him. Mr. Hassan had been in custody at the Central East Correctional Centre for three years awaiting deportation. After...