Free Legal Services for Black Ontarians
The Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) recognizes that our work takes place on traditional Indigenous territories across the territory now called Ontario. We acknowledge that there are 46 treaties and other agreements that cover the province.
BLAC’s head office is located on the land known as Tkaronto. Tkaronto is the unceded and ancestral territories of the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee confederacy, the Mississaugas of the Credit River, the Wendat and many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. It is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Williams Treaties signed with multiple Mississaugas and Chippewa bands, to peaceably share and care for the lands around the Great Lakes.
BLAC also acknowledges the many people of African descent who are not settlers, but whose ancestors were forcibly displaced as part of the transatlantic slave trade, brought against their will, and made to work on these lands.
We believe that advancing Indigenous sovereignty is deeply and inextricably linked to Black liberation and we will continue to mobilize and take action in solidarity with Indigenous people and communities.
Legal Services for Black Ontarians
Established in 2017, the Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) is an independent not-for-profit community legal clinic that combats individual and systemic anti-Black racism by conducting research, engaging in structural transformation, and providing legal services to members of Ontario’s Black communities. BLAC engages in advocacy, community development, law reform, test case litigation, and public legal education. BLAC is funded by Legal Aid Ontario and governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
BLAC offers a diverse range of legal services and advice on issues related to education, employment, housing, human rights, government support, and other topics. We also offer comprehensive information about legal issues that we do not directly advise on through Steps to Justice, such as criminal law, family law, and immigration.
BLAC offers a diverse range of legal services and advice on issues related to education, employment, housing, human rights, government support, and other topics. We also offer comprehensive information about legal issues that we do not directly advise on through Steps to Justice, such as criminal law, family law, and immigration.
Public Legal Education
BLAC presents public legal education sessions related to anti-Black racism in Ontario across a range of topics. These sessions include both sessions open to the public, as well as sessions delivered to specific audiences upon request.
BLAC Statements
BLAC advocates for the eradication of anti-Black racism by publishing statements and positions on laws, events, and other elements of society that have implications for the best interests of Black and low income Ontarians.
BLAC Submissions
BLAC expresses opinions and provides proactive insights on bills, reports, committee work, and other activities related to combating anti-Black racism and pursuing the best interests of Black and low income Ontarians.
Community Resources
BLAC is part of an ecosystem of support across Ontario that assists residents with legal matters and related needs. We are pleased to provide information and links to resources from our partners in the community that may help you.
BLAC Resources
BLAC provides a number of links, resources, information, and content to support those needing individual support or seeking to combat anti-Black racism at a system level in alignment with our mission and vision.
Join our mailing list to stay up to date with BLAC news, announcements and initiatives.
BLAC in Black and White: A quarterly newsletter on all things BLAC
Check out our latest newsletter for August 2024 here! Here are our previous issues which feature BLAC’s work over the past year: April 2024 November 2023 July 2033 May 2023 February 2023
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