BLAC Submissions

Submission on Bill 251, Ontario’s Combatting Human Trafficking Act

BLAC is concerned that the provisions being put forth in Bill 251, Combatting Human Trafficking Act, 2021 are in keeping with harmful and largely problematic anti-trafficking legislation that has been and continues to be developed in Canada. While trafficking is a...

BLAC Submissions on Bill 161

BLAC is concerned that Bill 161, Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 proposes to change LAO’s core mandate of promoting access to justice for low-income Ontario residents. At this critical time, BLAC believes that this will have a negative impact on the Black...

Submissions to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy Bill 108

BLAC was born out of the needs of the Black community, specifically as it relates to the disproportionate and troubling ways in which Black people are mistreated, scrutinized and brutalized by legal institutions and systems of power. The experiences of Black Canadians...

BLAC Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy on Bill 68

The Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) is a not-for-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of Ontario to combat individual and systemic anti-Black racism by providing legal services to members of Ontario’s Black communities. BLAC provides legal representation to...